Search for profession/specialisation
In many cases you may look for persons/cadets by profession/specialisation including his address and telephone number.
Specially in the case of physicians it is very important to know what type of physician he is.
A modern databank has to supply these information.
The variable "specialisation" was included later in the databank and the variable "profession",
which was from the very beginning a part of the databank, is not also healthy (require modification).
Please update your profession with specialisation and help others to find/get you with
better/appropriate information.
Here are some examples for profession and specialisation:
Profession : Physician
Specialisation : Eye Specialist, Orthopaedist, Cardiologist, Cancer Specialist, Radiologist,
Paediatric Specialist, Dermatologist, Neurologist, ENT Specialist, Infertility
Specialist etc.
Example 2:
Profession : Engineer
Specialisation : Civil Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer
Example 3:
Profession : Programmer, Software developer, IT
Specialisation: Database Programmer, System Administrator
How to search/get/find a cadet by profession/specialisation
You are looking for a cadet with "Physician/Orthopaedist" as profession/specialisation
1. "Search For Profession/Specialisation"
2. Put "Physician" or "Ortho" in "Search for profession/specialisation"
3. Click on "Go for result"